Some organizations have difficulties attracting the right talent for various reasons. When this happens, many organizations tend to hire the best fit based on the candidates presented.
The belief is that once an employee is hired, the organization will provide training to enhance the employee’s skill level. Sometimes this happens, often times it does not. Often training does not occur because of the sheer inconvenience and cost of sending an employee offsite for a few days. Even if training does happen, practical application of new concepts does not occur. Knowledge without practical application is useless.
A short term solution for many of our clients is to contract us for short term engagements.
Our team of experienced Quality Engineering Consultants are known for not only performing valuable work for our clients but also providing the additional benefits of training and mentoring junior Quality practitioners in every organization that we engage.
Our goal is to provide support which is sustainable to your organization and in essence, work ourselves out of a job.