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In the Discipline of Quality Engineering Why You need to Hire A Contractor ?


Quality engineering is the discipline of engineering concerned with the principles and practice of product and service quality assurance and control as stated by Wikipedia. Our experienced team of industry veterans have seen the face of industry change over 30 plus years. The basic definition holds true however what isn’t typically understood is that Quality Engineering as a discipline often is lacking in many organizations that we service.

Many practitioners have a basic understanding of the requirements of their job however as with all professions there’s often many levels of competency. Having the essential knowledge, training and certification in the core principles is a must however what can’t be taught in school is the experience, critical thinking, systemization and practical application of these core competencies.

This is where engaging a temporary Quality Engineering contractor/consultant can pay big dividends to any company suffering from a void in their QE department or function. In our daily work we encounter many of the same problems and concerns from our clients.

They can be summarized as follow:

  1. I can only afford so much when hiring a full time Quality Engineer.
  2. REPLY: This unfortunately leads to getting what you pay for. Typically, you will hire someone straight out of school with education but no real experience. These individuals may have the right heart and soul but may be severely lacking in the ability to critically think and provide permanent corrective actions for your problems. In some cases these individuals could be detrimental to your organization as they prepare solutions that are costly, ineffective or destructive to the process or end product.
    1. This is why our Quality Engineering Consulting (Div. of ISO Certification Consultants Inc.) exists. We know what is needed to help a company be successful on many levels. We are not just Quality Engineering Specialists, we’re also business owners who understand the needs of business.
  • Hiring a Quality Engineering Specialist as a consultant costs a lot of money.
  1. REPLY: At the outset it’s more money than you would typically spend. However, you get a unique advantage. Our team are only interested in getting the job done as quickly as possible. We have no interest in long term engagements as we’re living away from home most of the time and would like to see our families. Our credo is to “work ourselves out of a job”. In order to make this a reality, we strive to help your organization by offering mentoring and training to your current staff while solving your problems. Since we are veterans, our goal is to impart our knowledge and expertise onto future generations. You have a short- term outlay of money but a long- term gain for your organization as you get a better trained employee at a competitive wage.
  • How do we know that you are qualified?
    • REPLY: We have extensive resumes which we share with our clients as well as verifiable certifications and education.
  • What are the bottom-line benefits?
  1. REPLY:
    1. Quick and Effective results
    2. Determine true root cause and corrective actions
    3. Enhance the organization’s bottom line
    4. Help address customer issues and provide mitigation resources
    5. Provide mentorship and training to the current organization
    6. Work effectively and collaboratively with the current organization
    7. Provide additional resources above our mandate as QE’s
    8. Provide APQP and PPAP support services
    9. Reasonable pricing which focuses true value for dollars spent

Our organization is available for a call at your leisure to discuss the above points and more. This type of arrangement has a high potential of success for your business.

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If you have any questions, please feel free to drop us a line. Let's get this conversation started!